Overview > Finch, Kay

Figurines from Kay Finch - excellent items! Kay Finch produced her figurines in Corona del Mar, California USA, between 1939 and 1963. She was a prominet Dog-Breeder. She have exactly made her figurines to the Breed-Standard from the American Kennel Club. She was a prominet Afghan-Breeder and a judge by the dog-shows. All her series she named "The Dog Show". A pic from Kay Finch you found in the top of the figurines from her.

(For a detailed description and enlarged view click the pictures!)

!This is Kay Finch with her Afghane-breed Laying Yorkie Laying Yorkie Laying white Yorkie
not (yet) in the collection in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

!This is Kay Finch with her Afghane-breed

Laying Yorkie

Laying Yorkie

Laying white Yorkie

Sitting Yorkie Standing  Yorkie Standing  Yorkie Standing  Yorkie
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Sitting Yorkie

Standing Yorkie

Standing Yorkie

Standing Yorkie

Standing  Yorkie Plate with Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Yorkie Mug Yorkshire Terrier Club Of America SIGNED
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Standing Yorkie

Plate with Yorkshire Terrier


Yorkie Mug Yorkshire Terrier Club Of America SIGNED

Yorkie with a pot Yorkie ashtray Yorkshire Terrier Puppy  
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection in the collection

Yorkie with a pot

Yorkie ashtray

Yorkshire Terrier Puppy


Overview > Finch, Kay

in the collection  in the collection  ·  not (yet) in the collection  not (yet) in the collection

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