Overview > Sherratt & Simpson

Figurines from Sheratt & Simpson

(For a detailed description and enlarged view click the pictures!)

Yorkshire Terrier head Mother with Child Sitting Yorkshire Terrier Standing Yorkie
not (yet) in the collection in the collection not (yet) in the collection in the collection

Yorkshire Terrier head

Mother with Child

Sitting Yorkshire Terrier

Standing Yorkie

Standing Yorkie Yorkie on base Yorkie with laundry basket Yorkie-Puppy with case
in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection in the collection

Standing Yorkie

Yorkie on base

Yorkie with laundry basket

Yorkie-Puppy with case

Yorkshire Terrier on the rocks Yorkshire Terrier watching a basket Yorkshire Terrier in Pink Sweater Yorkshire Terrier mother and her puppy in a basket
in the collection in the collection in the collection in the collection

Yorkshire Terrier on the rocks

Yorkshire Terrier watching a basket

Yorkshire Terrier in Pink Sweater

Yorkshire Terrier mother and her puppy in a basket

Two Yorkie-puppies      
in the collection

Two Yorkie-puppies




Overview > Sherratt & Simpson

in the collection  in the collection  ·  not (yet) in the collection  not (yet) in the collection

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