Overview > Small Yorkies

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Here you found Yorkies, where is the size maximal 3 7/8 inch.

(For a detailed description and enlarged view click the pictures!)

Standing Yorkie Standing Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie "in Love" Yorkshire Terrier wave one's paw
in the collection in the collection in the collection in the collection

Standing Yorkie

Standing Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkie "in Love"

Yorkshire Terrier wave one's paw

Sitting Yorkie Yorkshire Terrier on a pillow Yorkie with a Basset Gold - Yorkie
in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Sitting Yorkie

Yorkshire Terrier on a pillow

Yorkie with a Basset

Gold - Yorkie

Begging Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier in Jeans Yorkie with ball Yorkie with a blue hat
in the collection in the collection not (yet) in the collection in the collection

Begging Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier in Jeans

Yorkie with ball

Yorkie with a blue hat

Yorkie with eyeglasses Yorkie with books Yorkie with hair Yorkie with a hat
in the collection in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Yorkie with eyeglasses

Yorkie with books

Yorkie with hair

Yorkie with a hat

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Overview > Small Yorkies

in the collection  in the collection  ·  not (yet) in the collection  not (yet) in the collection

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